Friday, August 26, 2011

Explore, Create, Dream...Have Fun!!

I'm craftgirly. I love scrapbooking, cardmaking, my dog, reading, gardening, the beach, baking, decorating, purses, jewelry, shoes, piano, running, photography, being outdoors, making anything crafty or cute and being creative. In short, I love a LOT of things! I don't have any one thing I excel at but I enjoy dabbling in many different things. This blog is an outlet for me and anyone else to explore their creativeness, learn new skills and have fun seeing how many things in life can make you happy! I will be posting new projects I attempt (failures and successes...ha ha), skills I learn, and anything I find along the way that makes me smile. Please feel free to share ideas & thoughts or just tell me something about yourself that makes your life happier and more fulfilled!